Unit 5. One taste is all it takes!

– This is the watching you will be presented at the beginning of this unit (WARM UP)

– This is the watching you will watch in the VOCABULARY session.

Apart from this link there are some extra and useful material:


. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sh_XGKJ-Q (scenes from the film Julia and Julie)

– This is the watching you will use in the LISTENING session.

Apart from this watching there are some useful material, for example:



This is some of the information you will be shown in the PRONUNCIATION session to realise how important idioms are.

http://www.vocabulary.co.il/idioms/food-slang-game/ (GAME)

http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz65161778540.html (TRIVIA GAME)


– You will role play  in the GRAMMAR session. There is an image.

Captura de pantalla 2015-04-08 15.15.15(2)

Besides, there is a song where you will listen to different examples of the expression of preference:


– This is the video you will watch to develop the SOCIO CULTURAL session.

It is about Hansel and Gretel, compiled by the Grimm brothers.


-In the WRITING you have to develop a food critic. There are different resources that will help you to do it.




– In the FINAL TASK you will need different resources to develop it. It is about Anorexia and here you have the watchings as well as different links you will use at classroom.

. Quiz about this eating disorder that is affecting a great part of Americans:


. Teens with Anorexia (personal feelings and experiences):

. Thin documentary (essential information):

. Nutritionist talking about this eating disorder:

. Psychologist talking about this eating disorder:


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